O’Toole accuses activists of ‘tearing down’ Canada after towns cancel Canada Day events

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole said today he’s troubled by the cancellation of Canada Day celebrations in some municipalities and accused “a small group of activist voices” of continually talking down the country rather than acknowledging its many successes.

In a speech at the final Conservative caucus meeting before the House of Commons goes on its summer break, O’Toole said that while Canada’s history is littered with injustice and wrongdoing, that doesn’t justify cancelling the nation’s birthday — a time to give thanks for “living in the greatest country in the world.”

O’Toole said the recent Kamloops residential school discovery is “very troubling” and “dreadful.” He called it evidence of the “grave injustices” committed against Indigenous peoples.

But the reported discovery of these remains shouldn’t lead cities like Victoria, Penticton, B.C. and La Ronge, Sask. to do away with July 1 festivities altogether, O’Toole said.

“I can’t stay silent when people want to cancel Canada Day. I’m very proud to be Canadian and I know most people are as well,” he said.

“We are not a perfect country. No country is. There is no place on this planet whose history can withstand close scrutiny. But there is a difference between acknowledging where we’ve fallen short and always tearing the country down.”

He said July 1 should be a day when citizens “rededicate” themselves to Canada and “tackle the challenges and inequalities that our country faces. It’s time to build Canada up.”

O’Toole sought to link the municipal cancellations to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He accused the Liberal government of standing by silently while some cities do away with planned celebrations. “Who is asking Canadians whether they want Canada Day to be cancelled?” O’Toole said.

While some cities have opted out, the federal government is pressing ahead with an elaborate two-hour virtual show to celebrate the 154th anniversary of Confederation. More than a dozen musicians will be on hand for a series of performances.

Canadian Heritage, the department responsible for the national day, has compiled a “celebration kit” to help people celebrate at home while most of the country remains under COVID-19-related restrictions on gatherings.

But some members of the prime minister’s cabinet are not in a celebratory mood. Asked about O’Toole’s defence of Canada’s birthday, Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller said July 1 can be a “deeply wounding” time for some First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples because of the country’s history of colonial violence.

CBC News

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