
الاعلامية بولا ابو حيدر من لبنان الى كندا رحلة اعلامية طويلة

الصحافية بولا ابو حيدر

هي كندية من أصل لبناني، وتعرف بمساهماتها البارزة في مجال وسائل الإعلام والبث. رحلتها في مجال الاتصال والصحافة قد تميزت بالاخلاص والنزاهة والالتزام العميق بتقديم جسر بين تراثها اللبناني والمجتمع الكندي متعدد الثقافات.

عُرفت بولا بشغفها بوسائل الإعلام، وبدأت مسيرتها المهنية أثناء متابعتها لدرجة البكالوريوس في العلوم السياسية والإدارية في الجامعة اللبنانية. كانت أيامها الأولى في هذا المجال مميزة بارتباطها بإذاعة “صوت لبنان”، وهي واحدة من أهم المحطات الإذاعية في زمنها. في هذا المكان، وهنا عززت باولا مهاراتها جنبًا إلى جنب مع شخصيات إعلامية بارزة، وانغمست في فن البث.

مسؤوليات بولا في “صوت لبنان” امتدت لتشمل إعداد وتقديم برامج اجتماعية وفنية، مما زاد من قدراتها. كما جعلت وجودها محسوسًا أثناء تقديم نشرات الأخبار الرئيسية، وأصبحت صوتًا بارزًا في عالم وسائل الإعلام اللبناني.

الفصل التالي في مسيرة بولا شهد تحولها إلى عالم التلفزيون كمقدمة برامج في قناة النساء العربيات في الحازمية. وقد كانت هذه مرحلة مميزة في مسيرتها، وواصلت التفوق، مما ترك أثرًا دائمًا عند المشاهدين.

ومع ذلك، انحنت رحلة بولا في اتجاه غير متوقع عندما انتقلت إلى كندا مع عائلتها بحثًا عن منافذ جديدة. بقي اصرارها على متابعة مسيرتها المهنية في وسائل الإعلام دائمًا ثابتًا. في أوتاوا، وجدت منزلها الجديد في إذاعة Chin Radio Ottawa، وهي محطة تبث بعشرين لغة، بما في ذلك اللغة العربية. تعاونت بولا مع إذاعة Chin Radio Ottawa على مدى عقدين، حيث كانت حاضرة دائمة على أمواج الإذاعة.

في إذاعة Chin Radio Ottawa، أصبح برنامج بولا اليومي الذي يغطي مواضيع ثقافية وفنية واجتماعية وطبية تهم المجتمع العربي، حجر الزاوية في مسيرتها. كما تولت مسؤولية تقديم نشرة أخبار سياسية عالمية، مما أظهر مرونتها كمحترفة في وسائل الإعلام.

journalist Paula Baaklini Abou Haidar

 is a Canadian of Lebanese origin, known for her remarkable contributions to the world of media and broadcasting. Her journey in the field of communication and journalism has been marked by dedication, integrity, and a profound commitment to bridging the gap between her Lebanese heritage and the multicultural Canadian society.

Born with a passion for media, Paula embarked on her career while still pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Political and Administrative Sciences at the Lebanese University. Her early days in the industry were marked by her association with the esteemed ‘Voice of Lebanon,’ one of the most significant radio stations of its time. It was here that Paula honed her skills alongside prominent media figures, immersing herself in the art of broadcasting.

Paula’s responsibilities at ‘Voice of Lebanon’ extended to preparing and presenting both social and artistic programs, further enhancing her abilities. She also made her presence felt in delivering major news bulletins, establishing herself as a prominent voice in the world of Lebanese media.

The next chapter of Paula’s career saw her transition into the realm of television as a program presenter at the Arab Women’s Channel in Hazmieh. This marked a distinct phase in her career, and she continued to excel, leaving a lasting impact on the viewers.

However, Paula’s journey took an unexpected turn as she moved to Canada with her family in search of new horizons. Her determination to continue her career in media remained unwavering. In Ottawa, she found her new home at Chin Radio Ottawa, a station that broadcasts in twenty languages, including Arabic. Paula’s affiliation with Chin Radio Ottawa spans two decades, where she has been a consistent presence on the airwaves.

At Chin Radio Ottawa, Paula’s daily program, covering cultural, artistic, social, and medical topics of interest to the Arab community, became a cornerstone of her career. She also took on the responsibility of presenting a global political news bulletin, showcasing her versatility as a media professional.

What sets Paula Baaklini Abou Haidar apart in her field is her unwavering commitment to principles of honesty and objectivity. In an era plagued by favoritism, lies, and slander, Paula has consistently upheld these values, becoming a beacon of integrity in the world of journalism.

With her daily broadcasts, Paula has proudly served as a vital link between her fellow Lebanese expatriates and their homeland, with a mission to preserve their traditions, culture, and customs. She believes in the importance of sharing these aspects with the wider Canadian community. Paula has effectively brought the Lebanese diaspora closer to their roots, fostering communication and sharing news that impacts them at various levels.

Paula Baaklini Abou Haidar’s work goes beyond journalism; it’s about preserving the cultural, social, moral, human, intellectual, and familial identity of the Lebanese community, ultimately safeguarding their rich heritage and sharing it with others.

With simplicity, pride, and love, Paula Baaklini Abou Haidar has spent nineteen years and counting as a devoted broadcaster at Chin Radio Ottawa, ensuring that her legacy as a bridge between cultures and an advocate for honesty and objectivity continues to thrive. Her life’s work remains a testament to the power of media to unite, educate, and enrich the lives of those she touches.

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